Cinelli Flash Cycle 1


“People who have a purpose in life are lucky: our purpose is to improve the life of others (bicycle riders). Although the bicycle has already been invented, we're still optimistic. Our history tells us that nothing is impossible; all we have to do is look beyond the present.”

The Cinelli brand - established in 1948 by former professional road racer Cino Cinelli - has always been at the forefront of innovation in bicycle technology. Design to them is not simply about the look.

Therefore with an ever keen eye for what’s happening in the world of design, Cinelli come together with Eley Kishimoto to create a customised road bike incorporating the distinctive flash motif.

This bespoke road racer consists of a Cinelli Supercorsa frame that has been customised with the EK Flash by Death Spray Custom and built up with a vintage Campagnolo Record groupset.

Two spin off accessories from this collaboration come in the shape of a racing jersey and cap which can be seen in action along with the cycle in the film on display in the venue.

The bike will also be displayed at the Joy Ride Art Show on October 13th from 19.00 as part of the Bicycle Film Festival, 4 Wilkes St, London, E1 6QF